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The 7 essential buyer qualifying questions

resources Nov 11, 2019

As an industry, real estate agents spend millions of dollars a year building their buyer database – but often fail to correctly qualify these contacts. There is an art to turning a looker into a purchaser, and all too often the buyer qualification process is over-complicated – with...


Five step negotiation process to help you sell more properties.

scripts and dialogues Sep 30, 2019

In this short video, I share my 5 Step negotiation process to help you sell more properties. These scripts and dialogues will help you close the gap between the buyer and seller on those close negotiations.

In this short video, I will coach you on the exact scripts and dialogues to become a true...


The 3 key rules to fee negotiation

getting the listing Aug 19, 2019

These 3 keys will help your seller understand exactly why YOU are the BEST agent to help them sell - while most agents are forced to accept lower fees.


How to dominate and takeover any farm area fast


In this week's short video we look at taking over a farm area and the best practices you can (and should!) use to get traction faster.

More specifically, I will:

1. Walk you through the process to determine what farm area you should mine

2. We will look at the 4 exact criteria’s to know if...


Four traits of top performers

motivation and mindset Jul 22, 2019

Over the years, I’ve had the chance to work with (and coach) some of Australia’s & New Zealand’s best agents and have discovered the four traits shared amongst real estate’s best.


Three scripts and dialogues that will help you get higher fees in a changing market

scripts and dialogues Jul 08, 2019

In this short video I share 3 of the best scripts and dialogues I know that will help you get higher fees in a changing market.

These scripts and dialogues will help you get paid higher commissions and will help you demonstrate your true value as a negotiator.

The next time a seller challenges...


How to book more listing appointments

getting the listing Jun 24, 2019

In this short video I share the 5 step formula to help improve your prospecting strike rate to book more listing appointments.


Use these 3 scripts and dialogues to identify potential sellers at open home this weekend.

scripts and dialogues Jun 10, 2019

In this short video, we look at 3 scripts and dialogues to help you find potential sellers at your open home this weekend.

I hope you got some helpful tips and new ideas from this video. If you like this video you will love this training. 



Effective system to help you identify pipeline sellers in your database

structure and systems May 27, 2019

In this short video, we look at a simple but effective system to help you get the best out of your database and to help you identify your now and pipeline sellers.

I hope you got some helpful tips and new ideas from this video. If you like this video you will love this training. ...


4 Of the best closing scripts and dialogues to win more listings.

scripts and dialogues May 13, 2019

Today we look at the VERY BEST closing scripts and dialogues. Let's look at 4 of the best closing scripts and dialogues to win more listings.

I hope you got some helpful tips and new ideas from this video. If you like this video you will love this training.

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