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How to Use "Education Offers" to Sell More Properties

vendor management Aug 06, 2024

Every offer on your property is an opportunity. While we all aim for that top-dollar deal, not every offer will be a winner. But what if I told you those seemingly disappointing lower-than-expected offers could actually boost your seller's bottom line?

Introducing Education Offers. These are...


How To Manage Seller Expectations

vendor management Aug 06, 2024

Are you tired of showing your best properties to the hottest buyers only to end up selling for less than expected? You're not alone. In this video, expert real estate coach Aaron Shiner exposes a common mistake many agents make: prioritising "hot buyers" over setting realistic expectations with...


How to improve your vendor reports


In a changing market, seller communication is vital, an informed seller will make an informed decision, a uniformed seller will make a uniformed decision.

In this Video Aaron explains how to improve your vendor feedback reports by following one golden rule.

This simple but...


What to include in your vendor report

As we know an informed seller can make an informed decision and this seller report will help you do that! With many agents experiencing a shift in market conditions, there has NEVER been a better time to ramp up your seller communication, reduce your days on market, help keep your sellers up to...


How to get good offers accepted in a shifting market

vendor management Sep 13, 2022

Do you know what separates the best agents from everyone else?

The ability to get deals over the line and get good offers accepted in a changing market.

Extraordinary agents have the ability to help the vendor see what a good offer looks like in the current market and have the ability...


Strategies for a shifting market – an interview with Jacqui Crapp


Right now, agents everywhere have been telling me how tough it is to get deals across the line with the interest rates rapidly rising. All of this means one thing – As a great agent, it’s your responsibility to better EDUCATE and INFORM both buyers and sellers. In today’s...


Four steps to world-class vendor communication


In this short video, I share my four-step process to delivering world-class vendor management, as we all know an informed vendor will make an informed decision, a uniformed vendor will make a uniformed decision.

This simple but effective system will help improve your vendor communication and let...


Managing price expectations in changing market

vendor management Apr 28, 2022

For as long as I have been in Real Estate (22 years) I have seen the same story repeat itself countless times where the agent launches a new hot listing and brings the seller an exceptional offer early only for the seller to reject that offer and weeks later the property sells for a lesser...


4 Strategies to help you get more offers accepted in a changing market!

vendor management Mar 22, 2022

As the property market starts to cool and buyer demand starts to level out do you know what separates the best agents from everyone else?

The ability to get deals over the line and get good offers accepted.

Great agents have the ability to help the seller see what a good offer looks like in the...


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