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Video training, templates, eBooks and more - with our compliments

How to Create a Market Summary Video: 5 Simple Steps


One of the simplest and most effective ways to boost your real estate business is by creating market summary videos. Don’t worry if you’re not a world-class presenter—if you follow these five steps, you’ll create engaging and informative videos that attract new sellers.



Get Off the Real Estate Rollercoaster: Implement the 5 & 3 Model to Master Lead Generation


Ever feel like a rockstar one month, overflowing with listings and client calls, then a ghost town the next, with tumbleweeds blowing through your empty calendar? This feast-or-famine cycle plagues new and seasoned agents alike.

The secret weapon? Consistent lead generation. But how do you...


The Power of Points of Contact: Become a Real Estate Rockstar (Without the Chasing!)


Let's talk success. You get to define what that looks like for you in this business, but there's one key factor that separates the GO-TO agents from everyone else: points of contact.

Think of it like this: if your database doesn't hear from you, they won't remember you exist. That fancy...


A Simple 3-Question System to Find More Sellers


Finding motivated sellers is the lifeblood of any successful real estate agent. But how do you cut through the noise and connect with potential clients who might not be actively considering selling? This video, unveils a simple yet powerful 3-question system that leverages psychology and market...


Turn Neighbors into Sellers: Grow Your Database with This Simple Script


Every real estate agent dreams of a robust database overflowing with potential sellers. But cracking that door open can feel tricky. This video script offers a clever solution, using the power of social proof and a dash of FOMO (fear of missing out) to nudge neighbors towards sharing their...


Your three step Spring marketing campaign

The peak selling season has arrived – and we have prepared a three-step campaign (with templates and scripts) to help you book more appraisals and get a jump on your competition. Ready?... Let's get started! 

The time has arrived now that interest rates have leveled out (and many...


Five Keys To Dominate Any Market: An Interview with Michael Choi


Get ready to dominate any market in our interview featuring the highly successful Michael Choi. In this interview, we discussed five key strategies to help you dominate any market.

Michael shared his valuable insights on how you can enhance your business strategies and achieve remarkable growth....


Your step-by-step guide to real estate automation


As high-performing agents we have to handle many complicated tasks, often all at once. It can get a little overwhelming, but implementing automation can make your job a lot easier and save you valuable time, and more importantly help you become more effective.

But what is automation, why should...


Five Strategies for a Shifting Market: An Interview with Jason Rayner.


Get ready to thrive in a shifting market with our latest interview featuring the highly successful Jason Rayner. In this interview, we discuss five key strategies that will ensure you stay market fit for the next 12 months and beyond.

In today’s interview “Five Strategies for a...


From Rookie to the number No.1 agent in his network in 3.5 years. An interview with Kyle Garrahy


A few weeks ago, Kyle won Professionals NSW prestigious No.1 agent for the highest number of transactions and second for Gross commission income all by the age of 23! Here is a real estate Interview that adds value.

We have one simple mission in this interview.  We are going to show you how...

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