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Where the best get better.

Imagine what 90 minutes or more a month with one of the most in demand and effective real estate coaches could do for your business?

Apply for one-on-one mentoring


Aaron will show you the EXACT systems that will take you step-by-step, move-by-move from where you are right now to where you want to be… EVERYTHING you need will be handed to you on a platter!


Who should apply to be mentored by Aaron Shiner?

  • Real Estate professionals who are currently prospecting and marketing to get more clients
  • Real Estate professionals who are hungry and focused to have their best year ever
  • Real estate business owners who list and sell and also lead a team
  • Driven real estate professionals searching for a proven and ‘easy-to-drive’ real estate system to take their careers to the next level and ready to accept a life changing challenge
  • All real estate professionals ready to hire an assistant
  • Elite real estate performers in search of more reward for effort
  • Top performers in search of better systems, ideas and proven strategies.

A unique selection process

Aaron can only work with a limited number of dedicated and driven real estate professionals so places are limited, meaning not all private mentoring applications will be successful. All applicants will be assessed and contacted for suitability by one of his team, and those suitable will then have a 1-on-1 conversation with Aaron. In this meeting, you’ll both work out what your needs, your goals and the best program fit for your personal circumstance.

Apply for Aaron to be your private mentor

Please note: Not all private mentoring applications will be successful. Aaron and his team assess each request to find the right fit.


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Two Step

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