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How To Manage Seller Expectations

vendor management Aug 06, 2024

Are you tired of showing your best properties to the hottest buyers only to end up selling for less than expected? You're not alone. In this video, expert real estate coach Aaron Shiner exposes a common mistake many agents make: prioritising "hot buyers" over setting realistic expectations with sellers.

This approach can be disastrous. Here's why:

  • Cold Listings, Cold Owners: When you haven't properly prepared sellers for the market, they have no benchmark for good offers. They might view any initial offer, even a low one, as amazing. This means they're less likely to accept a truly great offer later.
  • The Law of Contrast: People perceive value through comparison. If a seller only hears lowball offers, even a decent offer might seem high in comparison. But by strategically introducing a range of offers, you can create a "Law of Contrast" effect, making a good offer stand out.

So, what's the solution? Aaron proposes a seemingly simple yet effective strategy: flip the script. Instead of prioritising hot buyers right away, consider showing the property to a wider range of buyers in the first week. This gives sellers a chance to see a variety of offers and understand the market better.

This video is packed with valuable insights for real estate agents who want to:

  • Manage seller expectations effectively
  • Get the best possible price for their clients
  • Utilize the Law of Contrast to their advantage
  • Avoid the common mistake of prioritizing hot buyers over strategy

Ready to stop sabotaging your deals and become an expert at managing seller expectations? Watch the video now and learn proven techniques!


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