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Your 8 week social media marketing plan

Here is the social media marketing plan to build your audience, create engagement and become the real estate authority in your area.

We have one simple mission, to give you an easy-to-implement and effective social media marketing plan for the next 8 weeks ahead.

Here is a brand-new resource that shows you exactly how to create and deploy a simple and effective 8-week social media marketing plan just in time for the second half of the year!

And best of all, this 8-week marketing plan is completely free!


Here’s what you get in your 8-week social media marketing plan bundle:

  • 18 Social media templates that Increase engagement, provide information, and build goodwill with your community.
  • Instructions on when to schedule each template/post.
  • You will discover the best times and days that get the optimum engagement and interaction on each post.
  • Instructions to easily customize these templates to suit your brand's look & feel.


The best part is if you’re using you can easily customize these templates to your brand's colors, look and feel with one click of a button.

Agents ask me what is Jigglar? The answer is simple it’s a real estate coach (me), a graphic designer (my design team), and 1,000's of pre-made templates all rolled into one easy DIY tool.

Jigglar is a DIY graphics tool that lets you create amazing real estate templates and social media posts from a range of stunning lead generating and marketing templates. It’s easy to use, saves you money & time, and unlike other tools, it's 100% real estate.

We operate in over 130 countries and help thousands of agents worldwide create their own marketing templates, social posts, listing presentations, vendor reports, newsletters, and more.

To access the social media templates in this 8-week marketing plan (and hundreds of social media templates like them) you can customize to your brand's colours look and feel, create a free account today.

Download “Your 8 week Social Media marketing plan” today! 


Click here to get instant access.


50% Complete

Two Step

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