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Sending this SMS = Booking listing appointments

Right NOW is an ideal time to fill your listings pipeline for the months ahead. A lot of sellers are unaware of just how hot the current market is - all they need is the right agent to ‘reach out’ to them at the right time with the right message (below). Just last week, one of our coaching clients sent this SMS to his database and they received over 130 replies with 52 people asking for an updated market value… all within a few days from the SMS being sent.

This SMS template can help you re-connect with your seller database and book more listing appointments. Feel free to change and edit it to suit your personality and style.

Hi (Client Name), I hope you have had a great start to the year. In the first few months of 2021, we’ve been very busy with a sharp increase in buyer demand. Recently we just sold ABC street for $XXX and we had XX buyers view it, and we still have buyers leftover who missed out that are looking to secure a property before Easter. If you want to know the NEW value of your property, just reply to this message and I can give you an update. Regards (Agent Name).

Agents always ask me, "Aaron, what if I can't send a SMS from my database. What should I do?". The answer is simple - do whatever it takes to connect with your potential seller database right now. If that means sending the SMS one at a time from your phone, then do it - or if you want a quick and easy solution to send SMS messages in bulk, check out LockedOn. It will save you a heap of time and money (SMS's with LockedOn are dirt cheap to send at only 6 cents per message and the best part is the replies come straight back to your phone).


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