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How you finish 2020 will also determine how you start 2021

motivation and mindset Oct 27, 2020

This quarter is all about priority management and what properties are going to have the greatest impact on your business?

Here are a few targets that you should have absolute clarity about

  • How many listing appointments a week will you book?
  • How many quality prospecting conversations are you having a day?
  • How many new prospects/leads are you adding to your database?
  • How many buyer appointments are you doing each week?

Focus your energy on the actions you put in and the results will follow.

Make your numbers public.... Once you’ve answered the above questions, do not put them away in a drawer. Do the opposite… Make it public information. Print them out and stick them on your wall for your team to see. Tell your family or friends.

Track your numbers and measure your progress every day.

The more emphasis you put on the numbers, the more you’ll follow through on the actions to achieve them.

Remember, how you finish 2020 will also determine how you start 2021, make every day count.


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