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Get Real Estate’s No.1 letter box drop this financial year

Real estate isn’t about who you know, it’s about WHO KNOWS YOU! So I have a question for you, could you be doing more to get your name into the marketplace right now?

If you answered YES! Then here is a simple but VERY effective letterbox drop template that will help you make contact with potential sellers in the farm area TODAY!

The EOFY is an excellent time to win listings and a great excuse to reach out to prospects in the farm area to tell them how strong the market currently is. Send your farm area the No.1 lead generating prospecting template to help you attract genuine sellers today.

Download the PDF template here

The best part is if you’re using you can easily customize this template to your brand's colours, look and feel with one click of a button.

Agents ask me what is Jigglar? The answer is simple it’s a real estate coach (me), a graphic designer (my design team), and 1,000's of pre-made templates all rolled into one easy DIY tool.

We operate in over 130 countries and help thousands of agents worldwide create their own marketing templates, social posts, listing presentations, vendor reports, newsletters, and more.

To access the EOFY template you can customise to your brand's colours look and feel create a free account today.


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Two Step

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